Tinted Clip-ons for TBI - Aviator
Tinted Clip-ons for TBI - Aviator
Tinted Clip-ons for TBI offer targeted support for managing symptoms related to traumatic brain injuries, migraines, and concussions. These clip-ons feature medical-grade tinted filters that help alleviate visual stress, reduce glare, and minimize light sensitivity—common triggers for discomfort in TBI and migraine sufferers.
Easily attaching to plastic or metal frames, they provide 100% UV protection and flip up or down for instant adaptability. The simple clip-on design allows users to relieve symptoms without changing their regular glasses and is easily removable when no longer needed.
Are you looking for other tints? See our full collection of Clip-ons here. To find the perfect shape and size clip-on for your glasses, download our shape guide.